Emacs offers so many tools for interactive development and debugging that your first scenario should never happen, assuming you learn what's available and how to use it. Of the systems in use today, only Smalltalk has better introspective capabilities. Common Lisp through its Genera manifestation is superior even to that, but not easily available. Emacs is the only contemporary widely-used system that can really be described as an apex / convergence point of stability, extensibility and self-empowerment. It is the clearest manifestation of "computers are an extension of the human mind" idea that goes all the way back to control theory/cybernetics, Licklider ("Man-Computer Symbiosis"), Engelbart, Alan Kay .. One reason Emacs is such a rabbit hole, is that it always asks more of you. It always reminds you, assuming your mind is receptive, of the sheer potential on offer. Like any iconoclastic technology, it exhibits agency in that it tempts you to start using it in the way it wants to be used! And that's powerful. Very powerful. You're not simply writing scripts to scratch a temporary itch, but really learning about how to develop strategies to better manage information. You are expanding your own mind (cybernetic fusion) and programming the new metasystem at the same time. That's not an easy problem to solve but perseverance will bring ample reward. What does it say about the current state of affairs when the typical reaction to experiencing Emacs for the first time is one of instant recoil due to the size of the set of possibilities now made available? We've been so conditioned by tools that operate in A-B-C fashion to expect a single, well-lit well-trodden path that we become dissonant to an alternative that opens up entirely different ways of thinking about and dealing with information. As to your last point, you can always fire up a new Emacs process and do your highly experimental customization there if you don't feel confident in being able to keep track of what's happening and/or worried about breaking things. Eventually you'll reach the point where this sort of decision is automatic and seldom needed.